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Get in Touch

Connect with us through our ‘Get in Touch’ portal to embark on your journey towards wellness and beauty. Whether you have inquiries about our services, want to schedule an appointment, or simply wish to learn more, we’re here to assist you. Reach out to our friendly team today, and let us guide you towards personalized care and transformative experiences. Your satisfaction and well-being are our utmost priorities.

Parking in the back of the building

If no parking lot is full, just exit lot and turn left onto Wilson Street. There is an empty parking lot at the first intersection (corner of Academy Street and Wilson Street) and parking is free.

Send us a Message

Contact Us

Email: drshamsianainar@

Phone: + 289-443-9543
Phone: + 289-263-0212


Unit A3 (basement) – 385
Wilson St. East, Ancaster